Sunday 21 August 2011

Bimbo versus Bitch!!!

Now... I know these two words... Bimbo and Bitch are sooo over used! Many of us have our own interpretation when it comes to to these terms... some might feel offended if they're associated with these words... to me ... if I ever need to be associated with any of this word... my call would definately be.. A Bitch!!!

Rough eahh? This is simply because...

A Bimbo is someone:-
1) beautiful
2) fashionista
3) urban
4) chic
5) doesn't know what and how to react accordingly ...
6) brainless

A Bitch is someone:-
1) classy
2) daring
3) might not be a fashionista... but someone who loves to wear baggy shirts
4) can be orthodox at times
5) cunning and in---control
6) definately with THE BRAIN!!

Now... lets see if my description matches the example....

A bimbo ------>

A 19 years old actress (soon to be 20) who has not finish up her studies but busy... repeatedly telling the whole world that she has graduated from Nottinghams ... when the actual fact she flopped her studies...
Then she claimed that she's enrolled in Sunway to study Psychology... supposedly in June 11... but up till now.. habuk pun tarak! She talks crap that fashion is only a waste when the actual fact she usung chanel, prada and LV everywhere... sibuk kata make-up itu pembaziran when I bumped into her.. sibuk sapu lipgloss dekat mulut..mind u.. its a branded one! ;P


An actress aged 25.. who claimed that she has broke up with her duda bf! when for the actual fact the whole world tahu it is a plain lie... still nak act innocent and bodoh! Please lah!

sighhh... now... what do example #1 and #2 has in common???

The answer is..... simple.... BRAINLESS! And that is why they are BIMBOs!

And the examples for the BITCH are of course... you and you!! :)

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