Tuesday 29 November 2011

Office Politics verse 2

heyya all.... dah lama kan aku x membebel sesorang dekat sini... well today i have had experienced one incident panas hati... it all started bila si mak hayam tua in my office bengang pasal i puji another colleague of mine...

I was like... what the hell is wrong with you man!... Soalan bodohkan! Definitely everything is wrong with him... to begin with... he is so confused over his own gender! then he would always nak orang puji yang dia kurus... padahal his weight pasti lebih dari 100kgs! then nak orang puji dia sentiasa bagus walhal baik the bosses mahupun the adiministrative staffs tahu perangai mak hayam dia! pendek kata very the jaki one! ...opppsss enough of mengutuk..berbalik pada insiden tadi.. i was having a conversation with another friend who was very concerned over a colleague who seems to be demotivated... then i said lah.. perhaps the dollar and cents is one of the factors... gaji ciput keje berlambak... and she agreed that salary could be the factor why our colleague was having a gloomy face at the office... tetiba aje si mak hayam tua tuh menyampuk!!! he was.. or shall i address he as heshe.. LOL!! okkkk back to the story... oklah... dia punya lah kutuk my colleague mcm dia bagus nak mampos... siap marah pasal i defended the other guy! siap kata... "Eh...I asked my friend about u...(mind u ntah kawan mana lah yg dia maksudkan tuh..walaupun my hunch kuat mengatakan dia propa jerr..... maklumlah this confused mak hayam tua x laku!) friend kata u nak sgt si jantan tuh jadi lover kau ker yg asyik nak puji bagai!!!!" boleh ke tetiba isu lover a.k.a bf nak dijadikan isu! siap kata i desperate for a guy!!! he was seriously out of his mind... perhaps because asyik mentekedarah ******-----!!!! dia nih tahap wajib kene hantar gi khemah ibadat kasi sedar diri... not that i'm being judgemental nor that i'm pious... but hello.... sah2 ko tuh dua alam lagi nak melahanatkan orang lain!!! entah lah geram gila dengan dia... every week cari mangsa nak gaduh! dasarrrrr...... arrrghhhhhhh..... pffffttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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