Saturday 12 January 2013

I noticed that... most of the time... when life gives me shits... I would resort to spilling them up My oh my.. almost a moth plus since the last time I scribbled in here.. I have been bogged down with work.. to the extent I can't even take my short vacation as yet....
These few weeks.. I have been annoyed for several times.. oh yes!! Tell me about it when u have this one MJ who thinks that she is the greatest.. adoiii laaa... many of my tasks have to be but at halt just because she is really 'good' at managing her work... always giving the same old same old... rotten excuses that she has a lot of things to be done... where by the actual fact ... yes... she does have a lot to do.. and yet she chose to glue her fingers on her bloody phone ... messaging with her duds bf... one word ----; ANNOYING!
she has serious attitude issue.. well if not she won't be an MJ lah kan! Nauzubillahminzalik! let's not be like her .. let's not stoop down to her level #notetoself
I am currently at the verge of giving up... hadoi lahhhhh

Hopefully I can resume my duties peacefully and ignore those who annoy me!


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