Di dalam sibuk menyiapkan kerja ari nih... note that the deadline is soon... I can't deny that I keep on thinking about that particular someone!! Tetiba pulak dicarik rindu yang mendalam! Cheewwwahhh :p
Today marked a year that we became closed with each other... sape sangka... jika zaman sekolah... I was so annoyed with him.. and now... dengan tidak malunya I admit that I miss him like crayyyzeehh... rindu giler siot! Kenapalah Germany tuh jauhhh sangat!!! Huwaarrrghhh... terpisahnye ibarat seorang jauh di kutub utara.. and seorang tercampak di kutub selatan... seperti artik versus antartika gituh!
Seksanya lah pabila mengenangkan bertapa jarak yang menjadi penghalang.. Perbezaan masa juga menjadi titik noktah segala bentuk komunikasi!!!! huwaaaa..... Sedihnye! :(
What more ... since I have declared in my previous entry that I shall try to be opened for other options and the option (satu je tau) that I am having now masih gagal membuatkan I lupa kewujudan di dia... Huwaaa... It is not that I wished to make one as my option and one as my priority.. Percayalah... if you're the chosen one you will be my only option and only priority too... It is just that the time has not arrived yet for me to feel that you've managed to fill in the gap... I really hope you do! Trust me!
Ok lah... daripada aku terus merepek meraban... baik aku mengundurkan diri dahulu... semoga ketemua di entry akan datang...
p/s: Bagaimana dengan anda... adakah cinta anda cinta kutub utara vs kutub selatan juga? ;)
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