Sunday, 18 December 2011

Teman Tapi Mesra

Whenever I heard people say Teman Tapi Mesra when they're asked of their relationship with someone, I can't help it but to put a smile... In life, we can't escape from the feeling of love and to be loved... Having to be separated from your soulmate due to whatever reason that is.. can sometimes make our heart not to be at ease... Ecehhh.... :p

This is when, we can sometimes be very2 confused... "Masih dalam hubungan kah aku nih" or "Hmmm...shall I wait for him still...but come on..." Urghhh.... more and more thoughts make us wonder.... when we are in this sort of dilemma... mulalah ada yang menjengahkan diri... phone calls and bersms tak ingat dunia... to be fair.. I am guilty of this now! pffftttttt ;P

Memang lah tak suka sebenarnya apabila we have to be in a relationship that has no some sense of certainty but what to do... Thus, after some serious thoughts and consideration I would rather say that... KUN FA YA KUN! I strongly believed that Allah has the best plan for me and in HIM I shall have my faith..... :)

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