Holla everyone... how's everything? how's life? Mine kinda sucks a bit these few days... *sigh* There were so many things that happened since last weekend.. first I was invited to join my sis for her company's family day...then, as I got back to work on Tuesday... I was bombarded with gazillion work...then, due to my absent-mindedness, my kaching kaching... yess dollars and cents terbang untuk service kereta... huwarrghhh... and to add spice to my most not so delightful week is having to put up with fake colleagues and someone who is very much confused!!! * triple sighs for that*
Well... the so-called long weekend started of when I decided to follow my sis and her family to a family day trip to Cherating... Everything went well until one of her staff's spouse acted like a stuck-up douche bag! well... lets not hide behind the bush.. my sis has a driver...a very nice chap though..(always there to help my parents to hospital for my dad's dialysis routine and all... I sincerely thanked him for the good deeds!) ..and this particular chap has a wife who is no good at all and only thinks that she is sooo damn ...aisshhhh I really don't know what to say... she practically complains on eveything.. lauk sikit tak cukuplah when we had our dinner... orang nih sombing lah... orang nih macam ni lah.. aisshhhh all I can say sbout her in one word.... YES une wordie (rusty french tho!)..... BIMBO!!! definitely a lady yg konon rasa bagus but for the actual fact she is a nobody... note that all the expenses for the trip was fully paid by my sis!!! pfffttttt ...lagi nak mengomel!!! then, she created a scene with her husband when she can easily get jealous when the husband is talking to someone... and the one that made me so pissed of was when I had to drive the car...all the way from Cherating..and she was yacking and dozed offf!!!! pfffttttt ingat aku driver kau ke apa!!!! I was damn annoyed until I stopped at a gas station to fill up the fuel and instructed my sis's other staff to sit at the front to chat with me... mind you she was pissed (YES the bimbo was pissed) ...she was making a very heated remarks to the husband..provoking and all... well I was so glad that I did not stoop to her level... and layan her craziness.... but instead I ignored and kept on berborakking with the rest... LOL!!! I even said that... satu hari nanti kena cerai baru tahu langit tinggi rendah!!! and memang masin mulut aku nih... she was actually divorced with TALAK 3 yesterday.. @-@ ... and yes... am not kidding... the husband found out that she's having an affair... dush!!! no wonder she is soooo stuck-up!
I guess cukup dulu the story for the BIMBO!!
The next update would be pasal kerjaaa.... huwarrrgghhhhh..... I was being bombarded with tonnes of workkk huwaaa.... from teaching up until having to form a new course was being push to me!!!! Nanges!!!! My colleagues... (the ones who are very dear to me) said that I was asked to do all that because the bosses trust that I can manage and perform well... tapiii... rasa nak terbalik ngadap lappy buat kerja!!!! But again... come to think of that, I think I was still fine until I terpaksa deal dgn si pondan tua (remember my entry pasal office politics tuh) and yes there are an additional to it now..as am having 2 witches around tooo..... huwaaaa... satu tuh emo gila... satu lagi bossy nak mampus!!! shite!!!!
The last thing that had happened to me this week would be something of my personal matters...:-
1) I missed someone ------ damn I missed him so much!!! :(
2) I decided to open up my heart for other options... and yes went out with someone... which I dragged a close friend along!
and while I am posting this particular story.. the one that I went out with is busy texting me... non-stop!!! *pening*
anyway... got to go... Feels like I need a time - off... adios amigos friends... till we meet again! Have a wonderful New Year...!!!!
Friday, 30 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Nazadelizia Melebarkan sayap ke Negara Dilanggar Todak :)
Bebaru nih terpapar di laman Facebook saya apabila sahabat saya yang seorang ini telah mengupdate the new recipes yang telah beliau cuba.. Ternyata pemilik laman fb http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nazadelizia/233284366689887 mampu membuatkan saya berulang kali ke page beliau... segala paparan perihal recipe baru ternyata boleh membuatkan saya drooling gitu! Dalam sibuk saya click gambar2 di page itu..saya telah diupdatekan yang hasil air tangan dia akan di bawa keseberang... ke negara yang penah digegarkan dengan cerita Singapura dilanggar Todak...
Seriously, as her friend... bangga gilaa... mulalah suara nyaring daku hehehe... menjerit2 memanggil all colleagues supaya tengok page beliau... bangga siot!!!! Anyways... below are the pictures of the new recipes yang beliau telah buat beberapa hari kebelakangan ini... enjoy... :)

Fresh from the oven - Garlic roll

The cuppies that will invade Singapore soon :)

The famous choc moist cake ... err... to die for!

The scrumptious garlic roll again... droolsss.....

The famous Apam Polkadot yang sangat cute...and I bet they are delicious too!
What are you guys waiting for... yang berada di sekitar Alor Star tuh... grab your chances and try out the scrumptious, fresh from the oven , mouth watering desserts and more from Nazadelizia .... hit on the link guys ....
Seriously, as her friend... bangga gilaa... mulalah suara nyaring daku hehehe... menjerit2 memanggil all colleagues supaya tengok page beliau... bangga siot!!!! Anyways... below are the pictures of the new recipes yang beliau telah buat beberapa hari kebelakangan ini... enjoy... :)

Fresh from the oven - Garlic roll

The cuppies that will invade Singapore soon :)

The famous choc moist cake ... err... to die for!

The scrumptious garlic roll again... droolsss.....

The famous Apam Polkadot yang sangat cute...and I bet they are delicious too!
What are you guys waiting for... yang berada di sekitar Alor Star tuh... grab your chances and try out the scrumptious, fresh from the oven , mouth watering desserts and more from Nazadelizia .... hit on the link guys ....
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Teman Tapi Mesra II
Things seem to be chaotic these few days... the workload is crayyyzeeeyyyhhhhh..... huwarrrghhhh however, despite the fact that I was being bogged down with tonnes of work.. I find it bearable when I can share with someone ;)
If previously, his existence was once made me annoyed like mad but now... I feel at ease whenever he contacted me to ask how was I coping with life :p.... ecehhh... LOL
Even so, I can't deny that...deep down inside my heart... he was just doing this cause he cares..Distance indeed is the biggest obstacle now... being separated does make my heart cries...OUT...LOUD! :(
If previously, his existence was once made me annoyed like mad but now... I feel at ease whenever he contacted me to ask how was I coping with life :p.... ecehhh... LOL
Even so, I can't deny that...deep down inside my heart... he was just doing this cause he cares..Distance indeed is the biggest obstacle now... being separated does make my heart cries...OUT...LOUD! :(
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Teman Tapi Mesra
Whenever I heard people say Teman Tapi Mesra when they're asked of their relationship with someone, I can't help it but to put a smile... In life, we can't escape from the feeling of love and to be loved... Having to be separated from your soulmate due to whatever reason that is.. can sometimes make our heart not to be at ease... Ecehhh.... :p
This is when, we can sometimes be very2 confused... "Masih dalam hubungan kah aku nih" or "Hmmm...shall I wait for him still...but come on..." Urghhh.... more and more thoughts make us wonder.... when we are in this sort of dilemma... mulalah ada yang menjengahkan diri... phone calls and bersms tak ingat dunia... to be fair.. I am guilty of this now! pffftttttt ;P
Memang lah tak suka sebenarnya apabila we have to be in a relationship that has no some sense of certainty but what to do... Thus, after some serious thoughts and consideration I would rather say that... KUN FA YA KUN! I strongly believed that Allah has the best plan for me and in HIM I shall have my faith..... :)
This is when, we can sometimes be very2 confused... "Masih dalam hubungan kah aku nih" or "Hmmm...shall I wait for him still...but come on..." Urghhh.... more and more thoughts make us wonder.... when we are in this sort of dilemma... mulalah ada yang menjengahkan diri... phone calls and bersms tak ingat dunia... to be fair.. I am guilty of this now! pffftttttt ;P
Memang lah tak suka sebenarnya apabila we have to be in a relationship that has no some sense of certainty but what to do... Thus, after some serious thoughts and consideration I would rather say that... KUN FA YA KUN! I strongly believed that Allah has the best plan for me and in HIM I shall have my faith..... :)
Monday, 12 December 2011
May Allah has some Mercy upon YOU , Tengku Sophia!
Baru saja laman twitter dan juga laman facebook senyap dengan nama Makcik Siti Alwuzara ...Kini sekali lagi Laman Twitter kecoh dan panas dengan kemunculan satu akaun yang menamakan dirinya Tengku Sophia! (Tengku keerrrr) pffftttttt....
Tidak cukup dengan kata-kata nista yang dilemparkan kepada Malaysia... dia begitu angkuh dan berani mengghina ISLAM... Nauzubilah... (May Allah has mercy upon you)... This makhluk sangat menjengkelkan... She openly menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW... dengan kata2 kesat ... Ya Allah... Hanya Engkau yang mampu menurunkan petunjuk kepada individu ini.... Dalam sibuk menegakkan syiar ISlam... saya tidak dapat lari dari terbaca beberapa komen atau tweet from fellow Malaysians yang membalas comments si perempuan ini dengan kata2 nista juga... Aduhh... without us realizing this particular Tengku Sophia has succeeded in making all the provocations and it proves nothing else but those who have given "her" kind off comments are actually nothing more and nothing less but the same as her....
Lets not bring ourselves that low people... If you realized.... there is no vivid evidence that WE (yes I am a very proud MUSLIM) have ever scrutinize other religions... The ones who are making accusations and provocations would come from none others but the non-muslim...
The only thing that I, as a humble muslim shall say and to wish that Allah shall has some mercy upon the souls who are to snob and arrogant whom like to say bad things about others.... remember... there is NO religion in this world that encourage terrorism, accusations and bad deeds...
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Mouth Watering Desserts
Ledakan era globalisasi tanpa sempadan nyata merupakan aliran penyampaian maklumat yang sangat efektif... menerusi laman facebook terdapat ledakan informasi untuk pelbagai aspek kehidupan...
Saya berbangga dengan rakan2 yang nyata sangat berjaya menjadi entrepreneur menerusi jaringan maya ini... dari usahawan pakaian secara online sehinggalah usahawan pencuci mulut amat boleh dibanggakan...
Mungkin yang mengusahakan butik online itu agak kurang mencabar businessnya..(my humble opinion lah) pasalnya... secara bahan urusniaga diperolehi secara ready mate gitu... tetapi usaha rakan sekelas saya semasa dibangku sekolah rendah..amat saya kagumi.... she bakes scrumptious desserts.... all of the desserts look sedap gila..... ape kata korang take a look at the pictures... pasti korang bersetuju dengan i....

Trifle yang nampak sangat sedap

Oreo cheese cake yang sangat cute

Kek Karamel Pelangi Petang* cantikkan...pasti sedap!

Oreo cheese cake

Tiramisu =)
the sad part is that this friend of mine nih is based in Alor Star je.. nonetheless enjoy the pictures and feel free to checkout her fb page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nazadelizia/233284366689887 for more mouth watering desserts...
Kuasa Yang Maha Esa

10 December 2011 will always be remembered as today is the day when Allah has chooses me and my sister to witness His mighty and mystical power... tadi di kala ramai yang mengupdate status keindahan Gerhana Bulan... aku dan kakakku telah tepilih untuk menyaksikan satu lagi keajaiban alam...selayaknya ku martabatkan sebagai satu lagi petanda kekuasaan Allah pabila aku mampu menyaksikan kepulan awan yang membentuk kalimah Allah... Maha suci Allah... begitu teruja dan sayu hati ini apabila Dia telah memilih segelintir umah manusia untuk terus diperingati kekuasaan dan juga kewujudanNYA,.... Maha Suci Allah
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Ombak Rindu

Pada anda yang seangkatan dengan saya... pasti judul Omabak rindu bukan lah satu judul novel yang asing lagi... Saya sendiri yang nyata amat menggilakan novel melayu dah khatam novel ini lebih dari sepuluh kali... Walaupun sudah 4 hari filem yang telah diadaptasikan dari karya ulung Fauziah Ashari ini ditayangkan... saya masih gagal dan belum berkesempatan untuk menontonnya... bahkan saya telah mencuba untuk booking seats sehari sebelum filem ini ditayangkan... hopefully minggu nih adalah rezeki saya and teman2 office untuk menonton filem ini... moga2 berjaya lah...
below is the synopsis of the film that I got from cinema.com.my ...
Based upon ythe bestselling Malaysian novel, "Ombak Rindu" is about the romance between Izzah and Hariz, two lovers from different worlds. Izzah is a village girl who has been sold by her father to a nightclub in KL as a prostitute. However, Hariz, a rich man's son, has bought her from the nightclub to keep as his own mistress. She begs him to make her an honest woman and he agrees, on the condition that she doesn't claim any rights as a wife. Hariz soon softens his heart and learns to fall in love with Izzah. However, he is ordered by his father to wed a childhood friend - Mila.
can't wait to serang the panggung and kasi banjir the cinema as being the the typical hopeless romantic freak I know for the fact that I pasti menangis bagai nak rak!!! :p
Nak nak pulak ada aaron aziz... melt! hehehehe

Mentaliti Orang Melayu
Hello there,
How's your weekend so far... diam tak diam Our SUNDAY is coming to an end soon... cepat kan masa berlalu.... Tengah sedap2 rehat dekat rumah nih tetiba teringat yang esok is another working day for me! *sigh*
Entah kenapa...sekarang nih...semangat nak kerja tuh sangat kurang... Unlike before...in my previous workplace... I work without hesitation... I work without paksaan... am not gonna deny that there were times when I felt macam nak larikk jauh2 dari kerja but still I was determined enough to obligingly get myself outta the bed everyday at 4.30am so that I can be at work as early as 6.15am... tak kisah pun! I guess colleagues does play an important role! Back then in KDU, I have wonderful colleagues whom I can proudly call them as F.R.I.E.D.S but now.... tho the fact that there are less people to communicate with... (due to small number of staffs) I can safely say that I can only call 2 of them as my friends! The rest...banyak yg jaki dan iri hati dengan my performance at the workplace! sedih kan! :(
Come to think of it... perhaps it could be due to the mentality orang melayu itu sendiri... why am I saying this ....
In KDU ----- less malays more non-malays + the attitude of trying to make everything a success collaboratively + sikap tak peduli hal orang asalkan kerja siap = happy!!!!
NOW ------- all malays + eager to outshine oneself than interested for overall success + nosy and busy body menjadi makanan ruji = sad!!!
yelah kan!!! aissshhhhh *sigh
May Allah gives me perseverance and strength to face my own race whom are interested in non other but personal success!
How's your weekend so far... diam tak diam Our SUNDAY is coming to an end soon... cepat kan masa berlalu.... Tengah sedap2 rehat dekat rumah nih tetiba teringat yang esok is another working day for me! *sigh*
Entah kenapa...sekarang nih...semangat nak kerja tuh sangat kurang... Unlike before...in my previous workplace... I work without hesitation... I work without paksaan... am not gonna deny that there were times when I felt macam nak larikk jauh2 dari kerja but still I was determined enough to obligingly get myself outta the bed everyday at 4.30am so that I can be at work as early as 6.15am... tak kisah pun! I guess colleagues does play an important role! Back then in KDU, I have wonderful colleagues whom I can proudly call them as F.R.I.E.D.S but now.... tho the fact that there are less people to communicate with... (due to small number of staffs) I can safely say that I can only call 2 of them as my friends! The rest...banyak yg jaki dan iri hati dengan my performance at the workplace! sedih kan! :(
Come to think of it... perhaps it could be due to the mentality orang melayu itu sendiri... why am I saying this ....
In KDU ----- less malays more non-malays + the attitude of trying to make everything a success collaboratively + sikap tak peduli hal orang asalkan kerja siap = happy!!!!
NOW ------- all malays + eager to outshine oneself than interested for overall success + nosy and busy body menjadi makanan ruji = sad!!!
yelah kan!!! aissshhhhh *sigh
May Allah gives me perseverance and strength to face my own race whom are interested in non other but personal success!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
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