Holla everyone... how's everything? how's life? Mine kinda sucks a bit these few days... *sigh* There were so many things that happened since last weekend.. first I was invited to join my sis for her company's family day...then, as I got back to work on Tuesday... I was bombarded with gazillion work...then, due to my absent-mindedness, my kaching kaching... yess dollars and cents terbang untuk service kereta... huwarrghhh... and to add spice to my most not so delightful week is having to put up with fake colleagues and someone who is very much confused!!! * triple sighs for that*
Well... the so-called long weekend started of when I decided to follow my sis and her family to a family day trip to Cherating... Everything went well until one of her staff's spouse acted like a stuck-up douche bag! well... lets not hide behind the bush.. my sis has a driver...a very nice chap though..(always there to help my parents to hospital for my dad's dialysis routine and all... I sincerely thanked him for the good deeds!) ..and this particular chap has a wife who is no good at all and only thinks that she is sooo damn ...aisshhhh I really don't know what to say... she practically complains on eveything.. lauk sikit tak cukuplah when we had our dinner... orang nih sombing lah... orang nih macam ni lah.. aisshhhh all I can say sbout her in one word.... YES une wordie (rusty french tho!)..... BIMBO!!! definitely a lady yg konon rasa bagus but for the actual fact she is a nobody... note that all the expenses for the trip was fully paid by my sis!!! pfffttttt ...lagi nak mengomel!!! then, she created a scene with her husband when she can easily get jealous when the husband is talking to someone... and the one that made me so pissed of was when I had to drive the car...all the way from Cherating..and she was yacking and dozed offf!!!! pfffttttt ingat aku driver kau ke apa!!!! I was damn annoyed until I stopped at a gas station to fill up the fuel and instructed my sis's other staff to sit at the front to chat with me... mind you she was pissed (YES the bimbo was pissed) ...she was making a very heated remarks to the husband..provoking and all... well I was so glad that I did not stoop to her level... and layan her craziness.... but instead I ignored and kept on berborakking with the rest... LOL!!! I even said that... satu hari nanti kena cerai baru tahu langit tinggi rendah!!! and memang masin mulut aku nih... she was actually divorced with TALAK 3 yesterday.. @-@ ... and yes... am not kidding... the husband found out that she's having an affair... dush!!! no wonder she is soooo stuck-up!
I guess cukup dulu the story for the BIMBO!!
The next update would be pasal kerjaaa.... huwarrrgghhhhh..... I was being bombarded with tonnes of workkk huwaaa.... from teaching up until having to form a new course was being push to me!!!! Nanges!!!! My colleagues... (the ones who are very dear to me) said that I was asked to do all that because the bosses trust that I can manage and perform well... tapiii... rasa nak terbalik ngadap lappy buat kerja!!!! But again... come to think of that, I think I was still fine until I terpaksa deal dgn si pondan tua (remember my entry pasal office politics tuh) and yes there are an additional to it now..as am having 2 witches around tooo..... huwaaaa... satu tuh emo gila... satu lagi bossy nak mampus!!! shite!!!!
The last thing that had happened to me this week would be something of my personal matters...:-
1) I missed someone ------ damn I missed him so much!!! :(
2) I decided to open up my heart for other options... and yes went out with someone... which I dragged a close friend along!
and while I am posting this particular story.. the one that I went out with is busy texting me... non-stop!!! *pening*
anyway... got to go... Feels like I need a time - off... adios amigos friends... till we meet again! Have a wonderful New Year...!!!!
Friday, 30 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Nazadelizia Melebarkan sayap ke Negara Dilanggar Todak :)
Bebaru nih terpapar di laman Facebook saya apabila sahabat saya yang seorang ini telah mengupdate the new recipes yang telah beliau cuba.. Ternyata pemilik laman fb http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nazadelizia/233284366689887 mampu membuatkan saya berulang kali ke page beliau... segala paparan perihal recipe baru ternyata boleh membuatkan saya drooling gitu! Dalam sibuk saya click gambar2 di page itu..saya telah diupdatekan yang hasil air tangan dia akan di bawa keseberang... ke negara yang penah digegarkan dengan cerita Singapura dilanggar Todak...
Seriously, as her friend... bangga gilaa... mulalah suara nyaring daku hehehe... menjerit2 memanggil all colleagues supaya tengok page beliau... bangga siot!!!! Anyways... below are the pictures of the new recipes yang beliau telah buat beberapa hari kebelakangan ini... enjoy... :)

Fresh from the oven - Garlic roll

The cuppies that will invade Singapore soon :)

The famous choc moist cake ... err... to die for!

The scrumptious garlic roll again... droolsss.....

The famous Apam Polkadot yang sangat cute...and I bet they are delicious too!
What are you guys waiting for... yang berada di sekitar Alor Star tuh... grab your chances and try out the scrumptious, fresh from the oven , mouth watering desserts and more from Nazadelizia .... hit on the link guys ....
Seriously, as her friend... bangga gilaa... mulalah suara nyaring daku hehehe... menjerit2 memanggil all colleagues supaya tengok page beliau... bangga siot!!!! Anyways... below are the pictures of the new recipes yang beliau telah buat beberapa hari kebelakangan ini... enjoy... :)

Fresh from the oven - Garlic roll

The cuppies that will invade Singapore soon :)

The famous choc moist cake ... err... to die for!

The scrumptious garlic roll again... droolsss.....

The famous Apam Polkadot yang sangat cute...and I bet they are delicious too!
What are you guys waiting for... yang berada di sekitar Alor Star tuh... grab your chances and try out the scrumptious, fresh from the oven , mouth watering desserts and more from Nazadelizia .... hit on the link guys ....
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Teman Tapi Mesra II
Things seem to be chaotic these few days... the workload is crayyyzeeeyyyhhhhh..... huwarrrghhhh however, despite the fact that I was being bogged down with tonnes of work.. I find it bearable when I can share with someone ;)
If previously, his existence was once made me annoyed like mad but now... I feel at ease whenever he contacted me to ask how was I coping with life :p.... ecehhh... LOL
Even so, I can't deny that...deep down inside my heart... he was just doing this cause he cares..Distance indeed is the biggest obstacle now... being separated does make my heart cries...OUT...LOUD! :(
If previously, his existence was once made me annoyed like mad but now... I feel at ease whenever he contacted me to ask how was I coping with life :p.... ecehhh... LOL
Even so, I can't deny that...deep down inside my heart... he was just doing this cause he cares..Distance indeed is the biggest obstacle now... being separated does make my heart cries...OUT...LOUD! :(
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Teman Tapi Mesra
Whenever I heard people say Teman Tapi Mesra when they're asked of their relationship with someone, I can't help it but to put a smile... In life, we can't escape from the feeling of love and to be loved... Having to be separated from your soulmate due to whatever reason that is.. can sometimes make our heart not to be at ease... Ecehhh.... :p
This is when, we can sometimes be very2 confused... "Masih dalam hubungan kah aku nih" or "Hmmm...shall I wait for him still...but come on..." Urghhh.... more and more thoughts make us wonder.... when we are in this sort of dilemma... mulalah ada yang menjengahkan diri... phone calls and bersms tak ingat dunia... to be fair.. I am guilty of this now! pffftttttt ;P
Memang lah tak suka sebenarnya apabila we have to be in a relationship that has no some sense of certainty but what to do... Thus, after some serious thoughts and consideration I would rather say that... KUN FA YA KUN! I strongly believed that Allah has the best plan for me and in HIM I shall have my faith..... :)
This is when, we can sometimes be very2 confused... "Masih dalam hubungan kah aku nih" or "Hmmm...shall I wait for him still...but come on..." Urghhh.... more and more thoughts make us wonder.... when we are in this sort of dilemma... mulalah ada yang menjengahkan diri... phone calls and bersms tak ingat dunia... to be fair.. I am guilty of this now! pffftttttt ;P
Memang lah tak suka sebenarnya apabila we have to be in a relationship that has no some sense of certainty but what to do... Thus, after some serious thoughts and consideration I would rather say that... KUN FA YA KUN! I strongly believed that Allah has the best plan for me and in HIM I shall have my faith..... :)
Monday, 12 December 2011
May Allah has some Mercy upon YOU , Tengku Sophia!
Baru saja laman twitter dan juga laman facebook senyap dengan nama Makcik Siti Alwuzara ...Kini sekali lagi Laman Twitter kecoh dan panas dengan kemunculan satu akaun yang menamakan dirinya Tengku Sophia! (Tengku keerrrr) pffftttttt....
Tidak cukup dengan kata-kata nista yang dilemparkan kepada Malaysia... dia begitu angkuh dan berani mengghina ISLAM... Nauzubilah... (May Allah has mercy upon you)... This makhluk sangat menjengkelkan... She openly menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW... dengan kata2 kesat ... Ya Allah... Hanya Engkau yang mampu menurunkan petunjuk kepada individu ini.... Dalam sibuk menegakkan syiar ISlam... saya tidak dapat lari dari terbaca beberapa komen atau tweet from fellow Malaysians yang membalas comments si perempuan ini dengan kata2 nista juga... Aduhh... without us realizing this particular Tengku Sophia has succeeded in making all the provocations and it proves nothing else but those who have given "her" kind off comments are actually nothing more and nothing less but the same as her....
Lets not bring ourselves that low people... If you realized.... there is no vivid evidence that WE (yes I am a very proud MUSLIM) have ever scrutinize other religions... The ones who are making accusations and provocations would come from none others but the non-muslim...
The only thing that I, as a humble muslim shall say and to wish that Allah shall has some mercy upon the souls who are to snob and arrogant whom like to say bad things about others.... remember... there is NO religion in this world that encourage terrorism, accusations and bad deeds...
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Mouth Watering Desserts
Ledakan era globalisasi tanpa sempadan nyata merupakan aliran penyampaian maklumat yang sangat efektif... menerusi laman facebook terdapat ledakan informasi untuk pelbagai aspek kehidupan...
Saya berbangga dengan rakan2 yang nyata sangat berjaya menjadi entrepreneur menerusi jaringan maya ini... dari usahawan pakaian secara online sehinggalah usahawan pencuci mulut amat boleh dibanggakan...
Mungkin yang mengusahakan butik online itu agak kurang mencabar businessnya..(my humble opinion lah) pasalnya... secara bahan urusniaga diperolehi secara ready mate gitu... tetapi usaha rakan sekelas saya semasa dibangku sekolah rendah..amat saya kagumi.... she bakes scrumptious desserts.... all of the desserts look sedap gila..... ape kata korang take a look at the pictures... pasti korang bersetuju dengan i....

Trifle yang nampak sangat sedap

Oreo cheese cake yang sangat cute

Kek Karamel Pelangi Petang* cantikkan...pasti sedap!

Oreo cheese cake

Tiramisu =)
the sad part is that this friend of mine nih is based in Alor Star je.. nonetheless enjoy the pictures and feel free to checkout her fb page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nazadelizia/233284366689887 for more mouth watering desserts...
Kuasa Yang Maha Esa

10 December 2011 will always be remembered as today is the day when Allah has chooses me and my sister to witness His mighty and mystical power... tadi di kala ramai yang mengupdate status keindahan Gerhana Bulan... aku dan kakakku telah tepilih untuk menyaksikan satu lagi keajaiban alam...selayaknya ku martabatkan sebagai satu lagi petanda kekuasaan Allah pabila aku mampu menyaksikan kepulan awan yang membentuk kalimah Allah... Maha suci Allah... begitu teruja dan sayu hati ini apabila Dia telah memilih segelintir umah manusia untuk terus diperingati kekuasaan dan juga kewujudanNYA,.... Maha Suci Allah
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Ombak Rindu

Pada anda yang seangkatan dengan saya... pasti judul Omabak rindu bukan lah satu judul novel yang asing lagi... Saya sendiri yang nyata amat menggilakan novel melayu dah khatam novel ini lebih dari sepuluh kali... Walaupun sudah 4 hari filem yang telah diadaptasikan dari karya ulung Fauziah Ashari ini ditayangkan... saya masih gagal dan belum berkesempatan untuk menontonnya... bahkan saya telah mencuba untuk booking seats sehari sebelum filem ini ditayangkan... hopefully minggu nih adalah rezeki saya and teman2 office untuk menonton filem ini... moga2 berjaya lah...
below is the synopsis of the film that I got from cinema.com.my ...
Based upon ythe bestselling Malaysian novel, "Ombak Rindu" is about the romance between Izzah and Hariz, two lovers from different worlds. Izzah is a village girl who has been sold by her father to a nightclub in KL as a prostitute. However, Hariz, a rich man's son, has bought her from the nightclub to keep as his own mistress. She begs him to make her an honest woman and he agrees, on the condition that she doesn't claim any rights as a wife. Hariz soon softens his heart and learns to fall in love with Izzah. However, he is ordered by his father to wed a childhood friend - Mila.
can't wait to serang the panggung and kasi banjir the cinema as being the the typical hopeless romantic freak I know for the fact that I pasti menangis bagai nak rak!!! :p
Nak nak pulak ada aaron aziz... melt! hehehehe

Mentaliti Orang Melayu
Hello there,
How's your weekend so far... diam tak diam Our SUNDAY is coming to an end soon... cepat kan masa berlalu.... Tengah sedap2 rehat dekat rumah nih tetiba teringat yang esok is another working day for me! *sigh*
Entah kenapa...sekarang nih...semangat nak kerja tuh sangat kurang... Unlike before...in my previous workplace... I work without hesitation... I work without paksaan... am not gonna deny that there were times when I felt macam nak larikk jauh2 dari kerja but still I was determined enough to obligingly get myself outta the bed everyday at 4.30am so that I can be at work as early as 6.15am... tak kisah pun! I guess colleagues does play an important role! Back then in KDU, I have wonderful colleagues whom I can proudly call them as F.R.I.E.D.S but now.... tho the fact that there are less people to communicate with... (due to small number of staffs) I can safely say that I can only call 2 of them as my friends! The rest...banyak yg jaki dan iri hati dengan my performance at the workplace! sedih kan! :(
Come to think of it... perhaps it could be due to the mentality orang melayu itu sendiri... why am I saying this ....
In KDU ----- less malays more non-malays + the attitude of trying to make everything a success collaboratively + sikap tak peduli hal orang asalkan kerja siap = happy!!!!
NOW ------- all malays + eager to outshine oneself than interested for overall success + nosy and busy body menjadi makanan ruji = sad!!!
yelah kan!!! aissshhhhh *sigh
May Allah gives me perseverance and strength to face my own race whom are interested in non other but personal success!
How's your weekend so far... diam tak diam Our SUNDAY is coming to an end soon... cepat kan masa berlalu.... Tengah sedap2 rehat dekat rumah nih tetiba teringat yang esok is another working day for me! *sigh*
Entah kenapa...sekarang nih...semangat nak kerja tuh sangat kurang... Unlike before...in my previous workplace... I work without hesitation... I work without paksaan... am not gonna deny that there were times when I felt macam nak larikk jauh2 dari kerja but still I was determined enough to obligingly get myself outta the bed everyday at 4.30am so that I can be at work as early as 6.15am... tak kisah pun! I guess colleagues does play an important role! Back then in KDU, I have wonderful colleagues whom I can proudly call them as F.R.I.E.D.S but now.... tho the fact that there are less people to communicate with... (due to small number of staffs) I can safely say that I can only call 2 of them as my friends! The rest...banyak yg jaki dan iri hati dengan my performance at the workplace! sedih kan! :(
Come to think of it... perhaps it could be due to the mentality orang melayu itu sendiri... why am I saying this ....
In KDU ----- less malays more non-malays + the attitude of trying to make everything a success collaboratively + sikap tak peduli hal orang asalkan kerja siap = happy!!!!
NOW ------- all malays + eager to outshine oneself than interested for overall success + nosy and busy body menjadi makanan ruji = sad!!!
yelah kan!!! aissshhhhh *sigh
May Allah gives me perseverance and strength to face my own race whom are interested in non other but personal success!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Office Politics verse 2
heyya all.... dah lama kan aku x membebel sesorang dekat sini... well today i have had experienced one incident panas hati... it all started bila si mak hayam tua in my office bengang pasal i puji another colleague of mine...
I was like... what the hell is wrong with you man!... Soalan bodohkan! Definitely everything is wrong with him... to begin with... he is so confused over his own gender! then he would always nak orang puji yang dia kurus... padahal his weight pasti lebih dari 100kgs! then nak orang puji dia sentiasa bagus walhal baik the bosses mahupun the adiministrative staffs tahu perangai mak hayam dia! pendek kata very the jaki one! ...opppsss enough of mengutuk..berbalik pada insiden tadi.. i was having a conversation with another friend who was very concerned over a colleague who seems to be demotivated... then i said lah.. perhaps the dollar and cents is one of the factors... gaji ciput keje berlambak... and she agreed that salary could be the factor why our colleague was having a gloomy face at the office... tetiba aje si mak hayam tua tuh menyampuk!!! he was.. or shall i address he as heshe.. LOL!! okkkk back to the story... oklah... dia punya lah kutuk my colleague mcm dia bagus nak mampos... siap marah pasal i defended the other guy! siap kata... "Eh...I asked my friend about u...(mind u ntah kawan mana lah yg dia maksudkan tuh..walaupun my hunch kuat mengatakan dia propa jerr..... maklumlah this confused mak hayam tua x laku!)....my friend kata u nak sgt si jantan tuh jadi lover kau ker yg asyik nak puji bagai!!!!" boleh ke tetiba isu lover a.k.a bf nak dijadikan isu! siap kata i desperate for a guy!!! he was seriously out of his mind... perhaps because asyik mentekedarah ******-----!!!! dia nih tahap wajib kene hantar gi khemah ibadat kasi sedar diri... not that i'm being judgemental nor that i'm pious... but hello.... sah2 ko tuh dua alam lagi nak melahanatkan orang lain!!! entah lah geram gila dengan dia... every week cari mangsa nak gaduh! dasarrrrr...... arrrghhhhhhh..... pffffttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
I was like... what the hell is wrong with you man!... Soalan bodohkan! Definitely everything is wrong with him... to begin with... he is so confused over his own gender! then he would always nak orang puji yang dia kurus... padahal his weight pasti lebih dari 100kgs! then nak orang puji dia sentiasa bagus walhal baik the bosses mahupun the adiministrative staffs tahu perangai mak hayam dia! pendek kata very the jaki one! ...opppsss enough of mengutuk..berbalik pada insiden tadi.. i was having a conversation with another friend who was very concerned over a colleague who seems to be demotivated... then i said lah.. perhaps the dollar and cents is one of the factors... gaji ciput keje berlambak... and she agreed that salary could be the factor why our colleague was having a gloomy face at the office... tetiba aje si mak hayam tua tuh menyampuk!!! he was.. or shall i address he as heshe.. LOL!! okkkk back to the story... oklah... dia punya lah kutuk my colleague mcm dia bagus nak mampos... siap marah pasal i defended the other guy! siap kata... "Eh...I asked my friend about u...(mind u ntah kawan mana lah yg dia maksudkan tuh..walaupun my hunch kuat mengatakan dia propa jerr..... maklumlah this confused mak hayam tua x laku!)....my friend kata u nak sgt si jantan tuh jadi lover kau ker yg asyik nak puji bagai!!!!" boleh ke tetiba isu lover a.k.a bf nak dijadikan isu! siap kata i desperate for a guy!!! he was seriously out of his mind... perhaps because asyik mentekedarah ******-----!!!! dia nih tahap wajib kene hantar gi khemah ibadat kasi sedar diri... not that i'm being judgemental nor that i'm pious... but hello.... sah2 ko tuh dua alam lagi nak melahanatkan orang lain!!! entah lah geram gila dengan dia... every week cari mangsa nak gaduh! dasarrrrr...... arrrghhhhhhh..... pffffttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Penangan Apex
Gelora tangkisan tangkas seorang goalkeeper nyata berjaya mengubah persepsi aku terhadap sukan bola sepak... aku bagai menjadi seorang yang fanatik terhadap sukan itu sekarang.. kelakar kan...hanya dek kerana goalie yg sgt hebat itu aku jadi gila akan pasukan bola sepak harimau malaya....
Khairul Fahami Che Mat .... tahniah... anda telah berjaya membuatkan saya yang kaki bangku terpaku akan aksi anda...
Great job and keep it up!
Khairul Fahami Che Mat .... tahniah... anda telah berjaya membuatkan saya yang kaki bangku terpaku akan aksi anda...
Great job and keep it up!
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Office Politics! Yucks!
It has been a while since I last blogged... guess since I left my previous work place... Talking about that... just wanna share a few things... semenjak dah tukar tempat kerja nih... pelbagai incidents dah aku lalui... terpaksa menahan hati menyampah dengan fe'eel orang terutamanya... pffftttttttt
Just recently, a few things happened to me... having to join an organization that can barely breathe at the moment...due to setting up of courses and what not... I have had met with a few weirdo!
1. A very confused, annoying individual who can even decide ITS own gender
2. A very jaki co-worker
these 3 weirdos have has made my life upside down at the moment.... the first weirdo who is pretty much confused with ITS own gender walau hakikatnya dia sebenarnya si tua berumur!!!! but yeahhhh i can still tolerate IT enough if IT shuts ITS bloody mouth! BUt again those who are confused with thier own gender is definitely SICK! they are just like parasites!!!!.... the other one is the worst of all... she rasa she is too good to listen to anyone's suggestions... walhal she knows nothing but always lick the superiors' asses!!! What I hate most is that always ask me about things especially related to administrative matters and present them in meetings as if the ideas, knowledge are from her!!!! BUSUK hati punya orang!!!! menyampahhhh!!!! What is even worse is that she cant stand to see the superiors like me! appreciate me! haaaa... itulah... if u are good tak payah nak tunjuk pandai membabi buta.... people will notice you!!!!pffttttttt!
Just recently, a few things happened to me... having to join an organization that can barely breathe at the moment...due to setting up of courses and what not... I have had met with a few weirdo!
1. A very confused, annoying individual who can even decide ITS own gender
2. A very jaki co-worker
these 3 weirdos have has made my life upside down at the moment.... the first weirdo who is pretty much confused with ITS own gender walau hakikatnya dia sebenarnya si tua berumur!!!! but yeahhhh i can still tolerate IT enough if IT shuts ITS bloody mouth! BUt again those who are confused with thier own gender is definitely SICK! they are just like parasites!!!!.... the other one is the worst of all... she rasa she is too good to listen to anyone's suggestions... walhal she knows nothing but always lick the superiors' asses!!! What I hate most is that always ask me about things especially related to administrative matters and present them in meetings as if the ideas, knowledge are from her!!!! BUSUK hati punya orang!!!! menyampahhhh!!!! What is even worse is that she cant stand to see the superiors like me! appreciate me! haaaa... itulah... if u are good tak payah nak tunjuk pandai membabi buta.... people will notice you!!!!pffttttttt!
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
When we put our heart, mind and soul ....

I have never thought that a simple hello, a soft whisper and a piece of advice could actually give an impact in one's life... I always think that, a hello is just a form of greeting when we want to start a conversation ... a soft whisper is just a mere attempt to say something and a piece of advice is just words of encouragement that we always give to each other....
These are amongst one of the things that I usually do but I did not pay much attention to it! Strange huh?! Well, I always say hello to my students and friends and they always do the same to me too... before today, I always view this as one of the simplest things to do... but today, when I have to bid farewell to my students who I shall not teach again; as I am going to a new work place, I realized that the simple HELLO that I've always say means a lot .... One student of mine ... from Japan said that ... " when I first come to KDU to study English, I was so afraid. I thought I won't make it through ... but when you, teacher, came and say hello... and always encourage me in the class, that make me feel that I can study here in KDU. You make me believe that I can learn English just like my other friends!"
Another student of mine then raised his hand and said "Teacher I really think you like a mother! When I first come to KDU, I don't know anyone. I thought that it's going to be hard to study in Malaysia! But, you always asked me in the class, you always asked me to study hard! You are so kind and you always be angry when I was playful in the class but I know that you want me to be good with my studies. Really teacher, thank you for that!" This is when I realized that a simple whisper can make a difference!
Soon after, another student started to say ..."I always see you as my sister! Really teacher! You are so kind! You always give me advice and ask me to keep on trying when I don't know how to do something! I love you teacher!" Then, another student added "All the teachers are kind, but teacher, you are the one who have a very big heart that all of us are there in your heart! I know!" A Korean student then added "Every teacher has their own style and way of teaching, I really like your style, you are very serious when you want us to study well but you will make some jokes also when we are stressed! I really hope that I can learn more from you! Or rather, I want you to continue to teach me! But, It is soooo sad that you're leaving! I really hope that I can learn more from you!" A Kazakh girl then said "Teacher, I never say this to you before, but I want you to know that you make me feel like I have my mother near me even when I'm here. I love you teacher!" A girl from Burundi said " It was a pleasure to have you as my teacher! Thank you teacher, I will always miss you!:
I was crying and sobbing when I hear all these comments from my students... my tears fell down even more when a student from Korea, a boy that is, thanked me for all the help and knowledge that I have shared with them. As he was saying it, I can see tears running down his eyes! I was surprised that these students have a very warm feeling towards me. I have only taught them for 8 weeks and yet they have all these sweet things to say about me! All along, I thought that students don't prefer me for I am always strict, I am always be the one who will scream and angry at them when they don't behave well! I never thought a simple hello, a whisper and a piece of advice means a lot to my dear students! And today, I am one happy educator as I came to realize that, the profession that I was trying soooo hard to avoid; a teacher; is the one that makes me for what I am today... I guess when we really put our heart, mind and soul to it... we can make a difference!
I will surely miss each and everyone of you my dear students!
We might come from different walks of life... we might speak different languages... but a simple hello, a soft whisper or advice can touch even the toughest soul!
Monday, 19 September 2011
We ought to change!
I know for the fact that what ever I'll say here might and will offend some people... But I guess, if we really want to be a nation that moves forward, we should eliminate this feeling of offended when people pointed out our shortcomings!
Yesterday, there was a havoc over Nelly's tweet about the level of English among Malaysians! He wasn't criticisizing actually.. he was merely conveying his opinion when he know for the actual fact that some Malaysians can't communicate well using the language but can actually sing in English during his concert for Suara Kami!
Some replied his tweet by cursing.. like what Sassy the Don did! As part of this country... I felt so ashamed with that sort of responses!!! Come on.... face the fact... not many Malaysians can converse well in English!!! This is indeed an indicator how people... including myself can be shallow at times and we tend to take people's word ----- like literally!!!! pffftttt -----annoying betul!
What we should do as fellow Malaysians is to make him understand our nature when it comes to English... make him understand that we have a handful of people who might not be able to speak so to say but they excel in writing in English that is!!! Throwing wild thoughts and assumptions just prove that we are so cepat berkecil hati, judgmental...and juga terasa diri bagus sgt!! Oh come on fellow Malaysians... we are better than that!!
Yesterday, there was a havoc over Nelly's tweet about the level of English among Malaysians! He wasn't criticisizing actually.. he was merely conveying his opinion when he know for the actual fact that some Malaysians can't communicate well using the language but can actually sing in English during his concert for Suara Kami!
Some replied his tweet by cursing.. like what Sassy the Don did! As part of this country... I felt so ashamed with that sort of responses!!! Come on.... face the fact... not many Malaysians can converse well in English!!! This is indeed an indicator how people... including myself can be shallow at times and we tend to take people's word ----- like literally!!!! pffftttt -----annoying betul!
What we should do as fellow Malaysians is to make him understand our nature when it comes to English... make him understand that we have a handful of people who might not be able to speak so to say but they excel in writing in English that is!!! Throwing wild thoughts and assumptions just prove that we are so cepat berkecil hati, judgmental...and juga terasa diri bagus sgt!! Oh come on fellow Malaysians... we are better than that!!
Friday, 16 September 2011
Bitter lessons
In my very short tenure of less than 3 years at my current work place (soon to be called as my ex work place) I have encountered a lot of incidents that can make me smile for my entire life and also incidents that make me wanna cry! Being in my position (having to lead a team of 9 staffs - mixture of seniors staffs and junior staffs) have made me aware that life can be a bitch at times! I have also learnt that... never ... ever... hope for people to feel thankful of all the help that we have done!!!! pffftttttt!!!!!!
I have learnt that :-
1. I should not help any friend to get a job at my work place especially if they aren't straight! Be it if they're g*** or l*******!
2. Never help to cover your friend's co colleague's work for they would just feel thankful for 1 minute and forget all about it after that!!
3. Never put a high hope for your friends to feel appreciative and thankful coz they won't!!!!! Well... at least 1 0r 2 will but... not everyone tho!
There are more if I want to write ... but I guess I shall not be like them... I won't bring myself too low up to the point of not being grateful to someone whom have helped me a lot! cheerss!!
I have learnt that :-
1. I should not help any friend to get a job at my work place especially if they aren't straight! Be it if they're g*** or l*******!
2. Never help to cover your friend's co colleague's work for they would just feel thankful for 1 minute and forget all about it after that!!
3. Never put a high hope for your friends to feel appreciative and thankful coz they won't!!!!! Well... at least 1 0r 2 will but... not everyone tho!
There are more if I want to write ... but I guess I shall not be like them... I won't bring myself too low up to the point of not being grateful to someone whom have helped me a lot! cheerss!!
Saturday, 10 September 2011
K-Drama ---- My new addiction!
I know that I am a late bloomer... for people have been indulging themselves for years in watching K-drama... I used not to be able to understand why people enjoy this type of show... soon enough... akibat penangan Boys over Flower.. I am hooked with this K-drama thingy wajiggy.... addicted I tell You!!!... Sangat!! I can actually spend hours bunking on my bed.... sampai pening sebab nak habiskan tengok the series.... pppfffftttt.... if only I have such determination to finish up my dissertation! :p ROTFL!
Anyhow.... i gues the Bollywood era has ended and now people change their chapters to new fresh shows such as k-drama... now just like the rest.. tho am a little bit late... I can safely say that Korean Drama actors... you've got me hooked! :p
Anyhow.... i gues the Bollywood era has ended and now people change their chapters to new fresh shows such as k-drama... now just like the rest.. tho am a little bit late... I can safely say that Korean Drama actors... you've got me hooked! :p
Monday, 22 August 2011

Love is indeed one of the mysterious forms of feelings that one could have possibly experienced! Love is the bonding and feeling that can make a person to act or react in a manner that he/she is had never dream of behaving!
I've seen a lot of people... whom are very closed to my heart who have acted unreasonably in the name of love! There are some who is willing to have affairs with married men just because they're not in a relationship!!!! There're some who just sit and endure all the craps from their partner just to ensure that they have someone to talk to before they go to their dreamland!!! There are some who is willing to sacrifice their family just to follow a guy! God!
As for me... love is indeed one of the essentials in my life but... I am not willing to endure nonsenses and craps just in the name of love!
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Bimbo versus Bitch!!!
Now... I know these two words... Bimbo and Bitch are sooo over used! Many of us have our own interpretation when it comes to to these terms... some might feel offended if they're associated with these words... to me ... if I ever need to be associated with any of this word... my call would definately be.. A Bitch!!!
Rough eahh? This is simply because...
A Bimbo is someone:-
1) beautiful
2) fashionista
3) urban
4) chic
5) doesn't know what and how to react accordingly ...
6) brainless
A Bitch is someone:-
1) classy
2) daring
3) might not be a fashionista... but someone who loves to wear baggy shirts
4) can be orthodox at times
5) cunning and in---control
6) definately with THE BRAIN!!
Now... lets see if my description matches the example....
A bimbo ------>
A 19 years old actress (soon to be 20) who has not finish up her studies but busy... repeatedly telling the whole world that she has graduated from Nottinghams ... when the actual fact she flopped her studies...
Then she claimed that she's enrolled in Sunway to study Psychology... supposedly in June 11... but up till now.. habuk pun tarak! She talks crap that fashion is only a waste when the actual fact she usung chanel, prada and LV everywhere... sibuk kata make-up itu pembaziran when I bumped into her.. sibuk sapu lipgloss dekat mulut..mind u.. its a branded one! ;P
An actress aged 25.. who claimed that she has broke up with her duda bf! when for the actual fact the whole world tahu it is a plain lie... still nak act innocent and bodoh! Please lah!
sighhh... now... what do example #1 and #2 has in common???
The answer is..... simple.... BRAINLESS! And that is why they are BIMBOs!
And the examples for the BITCH are of course... me...you... you and you!! :)
Rough eahh? This is simply because...
A Bimbo is someone:-
1) beautiful
2) fashionista
3) urban
4) chic
5) doesn't know what and how to react accordingly ...
6) brainless
A Bitch is someone:-
1) classy
2) daring
3) might not be a fashionista... but someone who loves to wear baggy shirts
4) can be orthodox at times
5) cunning and in---control
6) definately with THE BRAIN!!
Now... lets see if my description matches the example....
A bimbo ------>
A 19 years old actress (soon to be 20) who has not finish up her studies but busy... repeatedly telling the whole world that she has graduated from Nottinghams ... when the actual fact she flopped her studies...
Then she claimed that she's enrolled in Sunway to study Psychology... supposedly in June 11... but up till now.. habuk pun tarak! She talks crap that fashion is only a waste when the actual fact she usung chanel, prada and LV everywhere... sibuk kata make-up itu pembaziran when I bumped into her.. sibuk sapu lipgloss dekat mulut..mind u.. its a branded one! ;P
An actress aged 25.. who claimed that she has broke up with her duda bf! when for the actual fact the whole world tahu it is a plain lie... still nak act innocent and bodoh! Please lah!
sighhh... now... what do example #1 and #2 has in common???
The answer is..... simple.... BRAINLESS! And that is why they are BIMBOs!
And the examples for the BITCH are of course... me...you... you and you!! :)
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Life at KDU
Life is indeed full with surprises! In my short period of life.. I've been through a lot... The ups and downs of love story... the office politics ---- sigh----.... after for more than 2 and half years of devotion to my work place, I have decided to place my resignation letter a month ago... Today marked my 1 month notice after I tendered for resignation.. To certain extent... I feel frustrated for my contributions and hard work were not valued accordingly.... Even so... I am still proud for.. I am... one of the few Malays who has succeeded in holding the highest position in the organization... Having to faced the dirty politics of the power-crazy biatch and Ah Meng (bukan nama sebenar) .. have groomed me to be stronger and witty to face the real meaning of the world, we called WORK!
I hope in my short tenure there... I have shared and touched some souls.. I have educated and quenched the thirst of wisdom and knowledge of my students... I am a very proud teacher; for whom I managed to witness not one..not two... but a handful of young souls who have zilt knowledge when it comes to English... from not being able to say a sentence... they now can challenge my word... for not being able to say their life story... they can now debate with me... =)
I hope in my short tenure there... I have shared and touched some souls.. I have educated and quenched the thirst of wisdom and knowledge of my students... I am a very proud teacher; for whom I managed to witness not one..not two... but a handful of young souls who have zilt knowledge when it comes to English... from not being able to say a sentence... they now can challenge my word... for not being able to say their life story... they can now debate with me... =)
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

I am a bit sceptical when it comes to Malay movies, bukannya apa...filem ,melayu yg aku teangok dahulu rata2nya cliche... tak pasal cinta...tak sah... then bila si zura suggest aku tgk khurafat... dgn segala dalil2 dan nas2 yg kononnya aku takkan menyesal buat aku tertanya2...sebab kawan aku nih jenis banyak comment dia...bila tgk movie ... on one fine friday petang aku bersama segerombolan ....(bunyik mcm banyak walhal 4 org je) bertekad meredah jam di petang jumaat ke cineleisure to watch this movie... dgn coke and popcorn di tangan...and shawl to keep me warm aku bersama teman2ku (mind you we all semua penakut) heheh memberanikan diri>.... start je movie aku dh tak senang duduk.. haiyooo...sound effect dia buat aku takut siut...
then masuk je part dekat pokok pisang...aku dh terasa nak lari kuar panggung... huwaaaaa.....
popcorn dah separuh habis tertumpah... coke tak boleh nak telan takut takut tersedak or worse...tercekik time terkejut... all i can say..YES i was in the cinema till the end of the movie..and takut gila kot!!!!! Thumbs up to syamsul...5stars dude... nice job... that kind of cinematography shall shut the others as...yes... your movie nyata best and lain dari yang lain...
scene yg aku takkan lupa:
1. hantu merangkak di tangga then tetiba kat atas syiling...kussss semangat
2. scene di bilik mayat
3. scene angkat mayat dalam hutan.... i went like... this guy must be joking..... pasaipa nak kena angkat mayat jugak???
4. scene syamsul nangis balik rumah.... guess what...aku menanges sama sampai si sheila sound aku...nanges tersedu2...huahuahua.... sedi lahhhh~~~~
so yg belum tengok...sangat rugi okay... sila lah pegi tgk
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